Treatment Planning

Treatment planning can be dramatically enhanced with the exoplan™ system, a high-performance, user-friendly software solution for implant treatment planning. The system provides maximum flexibility and ease of use in implant planning. It is based on the exocad™ platform, providing a seamless integration for your digital workflow.
Surgical guides

The exoplan™ system allows dental professionals to design their own surgical guides for ultimate accuracy in implant placement and allows guide manufacture in-house with a 3D printer. With the standard STL format, it also allows the doctors to work with another laboratory and production center for 3D printing of the surgical guide.
Advanced planning system
The exoplan™ system is ultra-fast, able to process large CBCT files quickly, producing graphic renderings and visualization speed. The intuitive guided approach allows for implant planning with consistent results.
Coming Soon!
Get more information on exoplan™ here.